

During my time at Cariloop, I designed decks, posters, flyers, stickers, website landing pages, and other forms of engagement materials, some of which are featured here. I also created vector artwork and icons in the company’s style to add to their illustration and icon libraries.

Set of greeting cards given away to potential customers at booths during trade shows/marketing events.

Business card that will easily connect a potential customer with a Care Coach for a trial run.

Bookmark set given to new hires to go along with required readings.

Certificate awarded to Care Coaches.

LinkedIn holiday-themed templates that feature Cariloop employees celebrating the holidays.

Monthly Content Package Flyer - sent to customers to advertise Cariloop resources and benefits.

Event flyers advertising different sessions for customers to learn about their free benefit.

Monthly screen flyers that showcase possible needs that Cariloop can solve.

Monthly Content Package flyer sent out to customers highlighting tips and resources.

Monthly internal stickers sent to employees revolving around inside jokes or themes.

Postcard to go along with new hire welcome kit.

Illustration set to go inside Cariloop’s diversity and inclusion booklet.

Illustration for the Monthly Content Package, the theme being Parenting and Education.


Mary Kay


Hudhud Creations